New Video Up! Mozart k545 Sonata in C Major tuned to A432hz!!

Hey everybody.  I have a new video out!   It’s the first movement of the Mozart C Major sonata K545.  It is the Schafer and Son’s baby grand tuned to A432hz and the audio is raw

The middle register on the piano has a little twang due to old age but the low end is still very nice.   It was great playing Mozart’s music at A432hz a tuning that would have, most likely, been similar to the one he used.

Hope you enjoy the performance!


Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Pianist: Brian Deegan Peck

Recorded by: Adrian Rhetoric

Filmed by: Adrian Rhetoric   – Instagram: Rhetoric_official           

Amazing New Film Reveals the Sonic Truth Behind Our Reality!!

This amazing new video unleashes a torrent of vitally important information regarding the synchronistic truth behind life on this planet.

It is about history, coincidence, conspiracy, mathematics, the number 432, sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, Pythagorus and vibrational sound therapy.  It is about the language of frequency and the realities of our illusion.  

The is the best video I have ever seen explaining the practicalities of numerology, myth and music.

I very highly suggest you watch it as it may be one of the most important documentaries you watch this year.

Relax and keep an open mind as this video will cause you to think.  

There is more to this collective-reality than meets the eye and it is our duty as people to find the clues and discover its secrets.  

Truth itself is the holy grail and there is much truth to be found in music.

Enjoy the film.

Amazing Discovery!! When Slowed Down to a Human-Like Time Frequency Crickets Begin to Sound Like a Choir of Angels !

This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. (Audio of the Crickets)

This is the sound of Crickets chirping.  It is two tracks played over each other.  The first is the sound of the crickets at regular speed, the second is the sound of the crickets slowed down to the equivalent of a human life-span.  Crickets have a very short life span and therefore vibrate at a much higher frequency.  Slow their vibration down to a human level of vibration and they’re famous, high-pitched chirps begin to sound like a literal choir of angels.

The piece was recorded by composer Jim Wilson and is unmanipulated (save for the obvious slow down in tempo.)

Here is a quote from a Tom Waits interview saying the following…

“Q: Most interesting recording you own?

A: It’s a mysteriously beautiful recording from, I am told, Robbie Robertson’s label. It’s of crickets. That’s right, crickets. The first time I heard it… I swore I was listening to the Vienna Boys Choir, or the Mormon Tabernacle choir. It has a four-part harmony. It is a swaying choral panorama. Then a voice comes in on the tape and says, “What you are listening to is the sound of crickets. The only thing that has been manipulated is that they slowed down the tape.” No effects have been added of any kind, except that they changed the speed of the tape. The sound is so haunting. I played it for Charlie Musselwhite, and he looked at me as if I pulled a Leprechaun out of my pocket.”

“I had these messages saying that Robbie Robertson said to get in touch with me. So we went in studio. He said, `I want you to do whatever you feel like. And, now, these are crickets.’ So I thought, oh, my goodness. I’m to accompany crickets, see?

And when I heard them, I was so ashamed of myself, I was so humbled, because I had not given them enough respect. Jim Wilson recorded crickets in his back yard, and he brought it into the studio and went ahead and lowered the pitch and lowered the pitch and lowered the pitch. And they sound exactly like a well-trained church choir to me. And not only that, but it sounded to me like they were singing in the eight-tone scale. And so what–they started low, and then there was something like I would call, in musical terms, an interlude; and then another chorus part; and then an interval and another chorus. They kept going higher and higher.

They were saying cricket words. I kept thinking, `Oh, I almost can understand them. It’s a nice, mellow tone. And they never went off pitch until one of the interludes, where they went real crazy and they got back on again to where they were. And I know that people do not know that they’re listening to crickets unless they’re told that that’s what that is.”

This recording, if accurate, is truly amazing.  The revelation that insects could, at various pitch levels, imitate powerful symphonic works, brings rise to many important questions in regards to the vast, complex network binding nature and the universe.  

There is still much unknown about the physics of sound and the vibrations of nature but more needs to be explored and addressed.  I commend Jim Wilson for his unique contribution to the musical world, perhaps other composers will look into this further.  

There are truly angels among us.


Click for audio of Crickets

**P.S – upon listening to this for the last half an hour I can say that this is really powerful stuff.  Extremely healing, very calming and meditative.  Very hard to stop listening.



Archaeological Breakthrough Suggests Ancient Pyramids Were Not Tombs But Actually Powerful Sound Chambers

This short documentary does a phenomenal job entertaining a new and convincing theory about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.  Much is still unknown about the pyramids and how they were built but this documentary poses an interesting theory.  

We have been taught, throughout the years, that the Great Pyramids constructed to be tombs for powerful Pharaohs but new research is shedding light on revelations that may alter the original story.  

Much is discussed in this short documentary including the Pyramids alignment with the certain star constellation (Pleiades and Orion,)  the specific geographical location of the pyramids in relation to planet Earth, the location of the Nile River thousands of years ago and the discovery of massive, hollowed-out Quartz Cyrstal cylinders near the pyramid.

The chambers it seems inside the pyramid were designed to resonate very specific healing frequencies.  These chambers most likely acted as healing chambers that rejuvenated the beings.  The possibility that these pyramids acted as massive sound resonators themselves harboring the power of the quartz crystal and releasing that energy across the land.  The shape of the pyramid would also direct the powerful frequencies upward and around covering the land in warm, healing sound.  

Needless to say this is all very interesting and, in my opinion, needs to be explored further.  

Please watch and enjoy.


The Healing Power Of Sound! A432hz

A432hz Pitch Coil Heals Man From Life Crippling Body Burn

This is a true story about John Fiala, chief engineer for Tesla Tech.  

Two Years Ago, on October 9th 2010, John was severely injured when a live mortar malfunctioned sending burning shrapnel straight into his chest. 

His body ignited on fire resulting in catastrophic damage to his right side.

The doctor (a P.H.D Oral surgeon) and part of the reserve Army Unit told him he had at the very least 20-24 months of deep plastic surgery and skin gaft burn rehabilitation before he would even begin to see skin grow again.

John used three frequencies, 512hz, 432hz and 256hz…

Heart chakra (C=512hz and 256hz) 

Crown chakra (A=432hz)  

…And applied them to his burn spot via a constructed coil. 

The coil pumped energy from both frequencies into the affected spot and within three days John’s severely burned side was scabbing over.  It took only 32 days for the body to stop scabbing over and produce healthy skin.  

At one point shrapnel, lodged inside his body, literally began to fester itself out and leave the body with no surgery ever required.

This sort of medical breakthrough would be considered by todays science to be miraculous and yet it happened only two years ago.  The only other part of John’s regimen was the application of Aloe Vera and the consumption of vitamin E.

This is a very holistic approach towards a major medical emergency.  

The result was overwhelmingly successful.

This extraordinary breakthrough in sound medicine opens up new doors for musicians and fans of music alike.  With sound therapy and pitch frequencies proving to have an enormous impact on our body/universe it may be now up to musicians to branch out into different fields and further explore how powerful their music can be.

The Quantum Eye Hidden In Human Beings


There is a fish in Macropinna, discovered in 1939, that has a translucent head and tubular eyes directed upward.  These eyes are photoreceptive with large lenses that utilize refractive and reflective optics to see.  It uses a curved-composite mirror to split it’s own optics structure thus allowing it to see both up and down at the same time.

It’s mirror system is far superior to ours in gathering light and detecting shadow.

Similarly there is a lizard-like reptile in New Zealand called a Tuatara which has a “Third Eye’ on the top of it’s head.  This eye known also as the “partial eye” is recognized as a transulscent patch possibly useful in absorbing ultraviolent rays used to manufacture vitamin D.

In fact many reptiles and animals have “partial eyes” including Human Beings.

The Pineal Gland also known as our third eye is a small endocrine gland located in the vertebrate brain.  This gland produces Serotonin which is a derivative of melatonin and strongly affects the modulation of seasonal functions and wake/sleep patterns.

Located near the center of the brain between the two hemisphere, every human being’s pineal gland can be activated to special spiritual and conscious frequencies giving Human Beings God-like abilites which include, physic ability, time-travel/astral projection (also known as remote viewing,) all-knowing sensory information, telepathic powers, general euphoria.

The pineal gland can be tuned to the proper frequencies through meditation, yoga and occult methods.  With advanced practice and applied ancient yoga methodology a person has the power to transcend the current conscious paradigm and defy physical reality.

The problem is most of the entire human race especially in the United States has had their Pinneal Gland calcified and made ineffective through the  wide-spread presence of Sodium Fluoride in the drinking water and food supply .

Calcified Pineal Gland x-ray

Sodium Fluoride goes straight to the most important gland in the brain, like a magnet, and calcifies the gland rendering it ineffective at balancing the entire hormonal process in your body.

This metal is largely prevalent in foods, beverages, drinking water and toothpaste.  In fact, 90% of the United States water supplies proving to be extremely difficult to remove.

This calcification destroys any effect the Pinneal Gland may have on the body and renders it useless.

Considering the importance of melatonin in the human body the situation becomes even more concerning.  Melatonin doesn’t just aid in recalibrating sleep and wake patterns it also helps repair DNA.  Melatonin communicates with several key genes involved in DNA damage responsive pathways.  This horomone is secreted by the Pinneal Gland, which now, thanks to corporate and current medical practices, is calcified and hus unable to accomplish it’s purpose in the body.

Solutions towards reactivating the Pinneal Gland include sound therapy, a proper diet and meditation.  The diet would include Garlic (which naturally dissolves calcium and acts as an antibiotic,) Raw Lemon, Raw Chocolate (cacao is an amazing pineal gland detoxifier and stimulant,) and Chaga Mushroom.  The Chinese dubbed Chaga mushroom the “King of Plants) as it is the most nutritionally dense of all tree growths and nourishes the pineal gland.

Physically you can re-activate the Pinneal Gland through Throh Chant, Yogic Visualisation and Breathing, Sun Gazing and Heart Healing.

Another effective way to shatter the calcium deposits is to literally retune your brain.

You can do this by listening to and absorbing music and sounds tuned to the proper pitch frequency.  Binaural beats, Pure Theta and Gamma waves tuned correctly can stimulate a beings Pineal and release vital melatonin that relaxes the mind and repairs damaged DNA.

Even a little bit of sound therapy and relaxed concentrated focus can help re-stimulate a long lost source of power for Human Beings and generate a palpable current of energy in the web of human consciousness.

And that’s a pretty good thing.


“Golden Frequency” – Binaural Beat

Binaural beats are very interesting.  They are apparent sounds that your brain perceives as real. Therefore, the sound you are hearing does not really exist.  It is the creation of two frequencies, lets say 300hz (left ear) and 310hz (right ear) that when combined create a “binaural frequency” of 10hz.

These Binaural tones can induce a powerful relaxation feeling and open up consciousness.  Binaural beats are used for deep meditation and mental re-alignment.  For some people these tones can sound annoying, drone-like or repetitive but the point of the exercise is allow the waves to pulse through your ears for an extended period of time so that to readjust the frequencies your brain is normally attuned.  

We are surrounded by low-frequency producing mechanisms such as radio waves, microwaves, cars, trucks, helicopters, phone rings, shouting, so much that it is becomes important to take time and absorb some healthy frequencies.  

This Binaural Beat is tuned to the “Golden Frequency” (1.61803398875), which, along with Pi is one of the most important numbers in the universe.  

Please where headphones and enjoy.  


New Featured Artist! – Immensus

This new artist Immensus is really amazing.  The production value on this track is really high and the sound is fresh, wedging itself nicely into the new, ever-growing off-shoot of the dubstep genre, “chillstep”.   Immensus’s gift for rhythmic breath and quality sound really gives this beat life.  A highly-effective track for those looking to escape.
