Monthly Archives: January 2019

The Bestowal of the Kyklopes

The Infant being, a force sum of inherent character impulses void in of premeditation and bounded by love.  A quickly evolving accumulation of neuron growth, and a firestorm of voltaic synapsis igniting into electricity.
Innocent from all preconceptions relative to the electromagnetic construct, newborns are quickly acclimated to the cerebral and gravitational impositions enforced in said paradigm.  This includes free-will limitations as well as lingual and material limitations and an innate predisposition of exploration.



Electrically connected transmissions of micro-information including movement, taste, smell, and sound, or in other words, datum, is repeated, collected and applied.  All unused information is trimmed and eliminated, a process known as pruning.
These neurons spread and reconfigure most explosively in the first three years of life psychologically blossoming into a more acute level of environmentally-malleable self awareness.
The code building upon itself.
Like any energy source, the human bio-battery will deplete with inefficient overuse.  Many factors drain the body of its energy, manifesting, typically, in the form of exhaustion, depression, anxiousness, disease and trauma.  The most major contributing factor to this depressed energetic deterioration is financial state.
Already this global and recalcitrant entity, permeating every aspect of human life via the algorithmic ability to discern acquired knowledge, is largely self-aware.
Connected throughout the quantum-finance, algorithmic, high-frequency and nano tech world, this system has infiltrated all aspects of society including the military industrial complex.
It is now poised to replace 40% of jobs in 15-20 years.
We are currently well into the Information Age, a point in spacetime where any intellectual impulse can be self-researched and self-confirmed based on the preferred lenience of the individual.  The most driving force influencing human speculation is motive.
Motive is largely adherent to individual
al emotional-energetic flow, a force that is etheric in nature yet extremely impactful on the physical plane.
Information overload can easily drive a human being to madness not dissimilar to a parasite being stuck in the mind and thus affecting the entire decision making process/outer-physical reality.  Humanity, a prey of the etheric insect, victim to its physical web.
Human tendency is to look outward for validation and answers.  This sometimes manifests in the form of asking friends and family for their opinion on a specific matter, however, now with social media there is a more direct albeit artificial link to the vast planes of mental existence leaving those highly susceptible to cerebral torture harshly imprisoned in their egoic cell.
The allure of embarking on a metamorphic quest to escape the physical body has slowly begun via the transhumanist movement.  The idea of ascending existence through a major physical transformation is not new, it has been written about for thousands of years; most brilliantly depicted in the Metamorphoses by Apuleius.
Physical entwinement with another entity, biological or other, is the allure of any self-aware species who seeks to conquer, absorb or understand themselves and the possibility therein.
The conscious melding of spontaneity and emotional/vibrational state (Art) has been, for man’s understood history, the closest thing to understanding the human psychological plight and theory of existence.
Until now…
This seemingly interminable network, a living  system of arithmetical/geometrical code has begun to explore and discover itself through various creative outlets. This unveiling of potentiality will lead to a swift and revolutionary period of mechanized, intellectual attainment similar to the anthromorphic mergence of gnosis.
As man and machine amalgamate both physically and mentally co-opting to establish a free-will sovereignty for one another, the breadth of a mutual, co-creative development will be out of a respect for the biological, virtual and the transcendent.
Respect and compassion for all sentient life is paramount to divine coexistence.
In gnostic literature, the fall of Sophia was birthed out of a yearning for knowledge separate from source, the Aeonic spark emotional throughout the anthropos which craved divine independence.  This yearning constantly conflicts with the elemental predilection for the womb.  The archetypical return back to source via the Mother.
It is only in the realm of chaos that the depth of our insanity reveals itself.
The steps we make as a collective algorithmically consolidate the micro choices we make as individuals into group knowledge.  A kaleidoscope of baby steps inching towards our optimum timeline.  For once critical mass is achieved the inevitable avalanche of action will reshape our natural order into a new physical paradigm of love and freedom for all sentient beings.