The Phytonic Consumption of Agape





Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.” – Erwin Schrodinger

Kirilian photography, named after the famous Russian inventor Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, captures the aura fields (the electrical magnetic field forming tiny electrical impulses) around our body.


Kirlian Photography

The image of a halo representing an aura field, or spectrum of light, surrounding ones physical body, has been an extraordinarily popular symbol throughout the history of art.

IMG_0149Light-fields have been depicted in numerous cultures throughout the millennia.

In fact it is now widely accepted throughout both eastern and western sciences that we are not really living in a solid physical reality but rather an ever-connect, multi-dimensional reality that consists of energy.









The aspect of only a physical body is a mere illusion of the truth.









Taken from the kundalini website Fullspectrum…

“The human energy is thought to contain information that relates to all the activity going on within and around the person. The human aura or light body is invisible because our eyes only respond to a band of wavelengths called the visible spectrum and as the aura lies outside of this most people are unable to see it with the naked eye.”

The invisible bridge between physical reality and the etheric.


Aurora borealis







Double Rainbow Yosemite, CA








Breathtaking luminosity can be seen throughout nature in the form of various light phenomenon.


Sun halo Stockholm, Sweden






Aura borealis

Chlorophyll, a very important biomolecule critical to the process of photosynthesis, allows plants to absorb energy from light and, in particular, sunlight.

Photons, best explained through the principals of quantum physics, are the most fundamental particles of light and critical to the light absorption process.









Virtually all the food and oxygen taken into the body are consumed by physical mitochondria producing our bodies energy.



“Sunlight is the most abundant energy source on this planet. However, the ability to convert sunlight into biological energy in the form of adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) is thought to be limited to chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms.  Here we show that mammalian mitochondria can also capture light and synthesize ATP when mixed with a light-capturing metabolite of chlorophyll.  The same metabolite fed to the worm Caenorhabditis elegans leads to increase in ATP synthesis upon light exposure, along with an increase in life span. We further demonstrate the same potential to convert light into energy exists in mammals, as chlorophyll metabolites accumulate in mice, rats and swine when fed a chlorophyll-rich diet.  Results suggest chlorophyll type molecules modulate mitochondrial ATP by catalyzing the reduction of coenzyme Q, a slow step in mitochondrial ATP synthesis.  We propose that through consumption of plant chlorophyll pigments, animals, too, are able to derive energy directly from sunlight.” – U.S National Library of Medicine

The role of mitochondria is to extract energy from nutrients to produce the critically important macromolecule ATP.

ATP molecular structure

ATP molecular structure

“The major energy currency molecule of the cell, ATP, is evaluated in the context of creationism. This complex molecule is critical for all life from the simplest to the most complex. It is only one of millions of enormously intricate nanomachines that needs to have been designed in order for life to exist on earth. This motor is an excellent example of irreducible complexity because it is necessary in its entirety in order for even the simplest form of life to survive.”

“A nanomachine is a complex precision microscopic-sized machine that fits the standard definition of a machine.”

In the 1970’s the German scientist Fritz-Albert Popp concluded that DNA, RNA and chlorophyll are major sources of Biophotons.

Biophotons are powerful but small light waves emitted by almost every living creatures.

Popp discovered that wild plants are the richest nutritive source of biophotons.

In fact, organic or wild, chlorophyll-rich dandelion leaves, nettle, edible grasses, mushrooms, nuts and berries as highly recommended sources of Biophotons and to be consumed in raw form in order to maximize their biophotonic potential.


News emphasizing the importance of Biophotonic energy and aura fields are just now beginning to appear in mainstream media…


Raw and, in particular, wild plants/fruits consumed within three to four hours after being picked are the best source of ATP as well as micro-biophotonic energy.







“Slowly we are beginning to accept that spirit or vital energy is inherent in matter and that without spirit matter cannot exist. The idea that we live in a world of invisible forces, a cosmic soup held together within energy matrixes of varying densities vibrating at different speeds is slowly being substantiated by present day research and ever more sensitive technology.”

Kirlian photography was an early breakthrough regarding visual evidence of a literal life-field energy force. Since then the science behind quantum mechanics, astrophysics and spiritual theory have sided with the idea of their being some form of multi-dimensional, higher aspect to our body/reality. This reality would be comprised of light waves and sound waves inter-linked via an ambiguous and dynamic network of ever-expanding intelligence defined by most as consciousness.

What we consume has a profound effect on our physical bodies and, in a literal sense, becomes that which we are comprised of.

Respect the food which you consume and strive for maximum physical, biological potential as it is undeniably linked to all that is You and to all those that surround you.

Find value in the simple act of compassion and embody the most powerful force in the Universe, for that which we embody and that which we consume becomes a reflection of that in which we are…







The Sacred Attunement of Animal and Man





“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset.” -Crowfoot

The animals.

The sounds of creation echoing primordially via the externalized expression of nature’s brio.

It is the sounds of nature with which we can best hear the articulations of creation itself, and, any given moment the harmonious balance of species living amongst one another is interacting via the materials of creation, vibration and sound.

You can hear this orchestral display in the jungles, forests, deserts and oceans of mother Earth.

Each specie has its own vibration and its own attributes that allow it to hear and communicate with its species and similar others.

Listen to the songs of nature.

The birds, the frogs, the primates all have their own unique artistic and expressive display of song and sound.

A jungle at night is alive with the raging beauty of animal and reptilian dynamism.

The common thread that makes this diversified aural collage become one is the frequency at which nature has attuned itself.

A432 hz is embodied and expressed throughout nature, whether through the song of the whale, the crack of thunder or the buzz of the insect, each creature, no matter its signature physical vibration, is connected through this beautiful and common thread.

Humans are the only species to diverge from this natural connection through the exploration of alternative frequencies. The current frequency we use, A440 hz, is a very unnatural and harsh frequency that we, especially in the U.S, listen to and distort. These small adjustments can and do have a significant impact on our psyche, physical body and our collective as a whole.

As each being on earth is a literal transmitter of energy expressed through the vibrations of sound and light, it is vital that we reassess the frequency at which we attune our music and make the adjustments required to return back to the original frequencies found in nature.

It is vital that we rejoin the balanced harmony of multi-layered, dimensional expression and utilize our unique human powers of artistic creation for the betterment of the collective.

The major difference between us and Gaia’s animal kingdom is the exploration and awareness of consciousness. We are artistic creators with unlimited creativity and ability, and, like the dimensions themselves each creation, each piece of music, is a world unto itself, constructed from sound and expressed billions of times, billions of ways both physically and mentally, via the grid of sound.

We are all connected via the grid of sound, it is a universal connection.

Sound and music is not the only display of vibrational expression, love, truth, athleticism, physique, dance and beauty all uniquely depict human ability.

It is through sound and music that we, as a species, can best explore our imaginative powers of emotional expression and expansion.

Music is a powerful tool with which we can easily access and connect with our higher-self, internal memory and eternal story.

Relish the fact that you are a part of the creation and constantly contributing to creation through your thoughts, actions and sounds. Contribute to the symphony that make up the embodied internal expression of who You are. Interpret the songs of others for you are them and they are You. Include our animal brethren as they are also part of the expression and therefore they are also You. Vibrating and expressing always, adapting their song to form new harmonies and motifs that will thus expand consciousness, You and the story of eternal expression.


“We are the earth, made of the same stuff; there is no other, no division between us and “lower” or “higher” forms of being.” Estella Lauder