Interpreting You Through the Amalgamation of Self Reflection



“Who are you?” said the caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, ‘I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

Lewis Carrol – “Alice in Wonderland”


The body is a vehicle, or, more specifically, a physical reflection of Your conscious experience. 

You are the driver of that vehicle.  


Who are You?

You are the physical accumulation of all Your conscious experiences interpreted through the physical body and according to your desired expression.

You are not your body.

The physical body is an ever-changing visual represntation of Your moments all of which are intersecting and interacting billions of times per day.

Picture this…

The body is more or less a transmitter ready to interpret.  Consciousness is the open web of thoughforms vibrating constantly and which connects us all together.  The potential of the imagination and of consciousness is limitless and neither the physical body nor conciousness are You.

You are simpy driving the vehicle known as the physical body and You are the one who must navigate the web of confusion that is the third dimension and it is the third dimension that is primarily understood through the physical.

When you are born, you enter as a new physical body ready to interpret new experiences and tell a new story; A blank slate if you will.   And, in this moment, your physical expression then immediatly begins to be shaped and influenced by experiences which reflect themselves back at the world via your body’s ever-changing behavioral patterns.

These behavior patterns begin to define who You are to other people.

But it is still not really You.

As Your physical self begins to gain experience and grow the depiction of who You are begins to change in conjunction with the growth.

This means You are literally a different version of You to each-and-every person with whom You interact no matter how influential or non-influencial that person maybe be to You.

You are a different version of Yourself to your mother, your father, your teacher, your co-worker, your friend, your lover, your boss and the rest of the collective-expression in which you reside.

Nobody knows the real You, all they have is an idea of who You are based off the shared moments.

A very entangled game of deception.

The true You, or what is known as your higher-self, is always learning via this rather complicated and connected physical process.

Essentially You are an interpretation that is constantly interpreting and who is is constantly being interpreted.

One out of approximately seven billion who are equally as physically connected.

It is in this realm that you realize You really are a Universe residing within a greater Universe and part of a Multi-verse that is always expanding and contracting.

A very sophisticated Art project known as Humanity.

Understand that Your phyiscal reflection is a very powerful transmitter of energy that is under enormous pressure from a wide-array of influences and these influences are continuously morphing and shaping your physical body into many different variations of You within the collective.

It is only You who have the ability to sift through the collection of choices presented to You at any given moment.

So choose carefully and choose which one works best for You and, therefore, which one works best for the Collective of which You are a part and, that which, is continuously impacting You.

All beings that reside on Earth are mere manifistations of what’s possible and each individual person is a representation and the result of countless cause-and-effect possibilities.

This is why it is important not to harshly criticize or judge others.

They are merely a reflection of You and of Our own collective creation.

Lean through each other and learn about what You are expressing.

Then change.


For every single one of us is dynamic and in motion never to succumb to a state of stagnation and rigidity.

Use each moment to express, to create and to help others with their own expression and potential as You are Them and They are You.

It is only through each other that we learn about who We are as a whole and, thus, the truth about Our collective potential as unique and individual Creator beings.

Reflect the possible for it is only through the awareness of connection that we will begin to transcend our own personal limitations and appreciate each individual person for what They truly are…



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